Дж. Дж. Гамперц
(Новое в лингвистике. Вып. VII. Социолингвистика.- М., 1975. - С. 182-198)
Блумфилд 1933: L. Bloomfield. Language. New York, 1933.
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affinity. "Word", 8, 360.
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Гамперц 1961а: J.J. Gumperz. Speech variations and the study of Indian civilization.
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Гамперц 1961б: J.J. Gumperz. Religion and social communication in village
North India. Typescript of talk presented to Seminar on Hinduism, August 1961,
University of California, Berkeley.
Гамперц и Наим 1960: J.J. Gumperz and C.M. Naim. Formal and informal standarts
in the Hindi regional language area. In C.A. Ferguson and J.J. Gumperz, eds.,
Linguistic diversity in South Asia. Indiana University, 1960.
Гарвин и Матьо 1960: P. Garvin and M. Mathiot. The urbanization of the Guarani
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Каллахан 1961: C. Callahan. Phonemic borrowing in Lake Miwok. 17 pp. typescript.
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societies. In "Intermediate societies, social mobility and social communication.
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Путнам и О'Херн 1955: G.N. Putnam and E.M. Hern. The status significance of
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Сибеок 1960: Th.A. Sebeok. Style in language. New York, 1960.
Соффиетти 1955: J.P. Soffietti. Bilingualism and Biculturalism. "Journal
of education psychology", 1955, 46, 222.
Сэпир 1951: E. Sapir. Language and environment. In: "Selected writings
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Триандис и Осгуд 1958: H.C. Triandis and C.E. Osgood. A comparative factorial
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Уленбек 1950: E.M. Uhlenbeck. De Tegenstelling Krama: Ngoko, Haar Positie
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Фёгелин 1960: C.F. Voegelin. Casual and non-casual utterances within unified
structure. In: "Style in language", Th.A. Sebeok, ed., New York,
1960, 57-68.
Фургюсон 1959: C.A. Ferguson. Diglossia. "Word", 1959, 15, 2.
Фергюсон и Гамперц 1960: C.A. Ferguson and J.J. Gumperz, eds. Linguistic diversity
in South Asia, op. cit.
Фирт 1957: J.R. Firth. A synopsis of linguistic theory, 1930-1955. In "Studies
in linguistic analysis" (Special volume of the Philological society),
1957, 1-32.
Фишер 1958: J.L. Fischer. Social influences on the choice of a linguistic
variant. "Word", 14, 47-61.
Хаймс 1958: D.H. Hymes. Linguitic features peculiar to Chinookian myths. IJAL,
1958, 24, 253-257.
Хаймс 1961: D.H. Hymes. Alfred Louis Kroeber. Lg, 1961, 37, 1-28.
Хаймс 1962: D.H. Hymes. The ethnography of speaking. In "Anthropology
and human behaviour", T. Gladwin and W.M.C. Sturtecant. eds., Washington,
Хауген 1953: E. Haugen. The Norwegian language in America. Philadelphia, 1953.
Хоккет 1958: C.F. Hockett. A course in modern linguistics. New York, 1958.
Хомский и Халле 1967: N. Chomsky and M. Halle. The sound pattern of English.
New York, 1967.
Чоудари 1960: M. Chowdhury. The language problem in East Pakistan. In "Linguistic
diversity in South Asia", op. cit.
Шипли 1961: W. Shipley. Maidu and Nisenan: a binary survey. IJAL, 27, 46-51.
Шнейдер 1961: D.M. Schneider. Comments on studies of complex societies. "Current
Anthropology", 1961, 2, 215.
Эмено 1956: M.B. Emeneau. India as a linguistic area. Lg, 1956, 32, 3-16.
Эмено 1962: M.B. Emeneau. Brahui and Dravidian comparative grammar. Berkeley,
Якобсон 1960: R. Jakobson. Linguistics and poetics. In: "Style in language",
op. cit., 350-377.