Р. Якобсон
(Вопросы теории перевода в зарубежной лингвистике. - М., 1978. - С. 16-24)
1. Bertrand Rassel. Logical Positivism, "Revue Internationale de Philosophie", IV (1950), 18; cf. p. 3.
2. Ср.: John Dewey. Peirce's Theory of Linguistic Signs, Thought and Meaning. "The Journal of Philosophy", XLIII (1946), 91.
3. Benjamin Lee Whorf. Language, Thought and Reality. (Cambridge, Mass., 1956), p. 235.
4. Niels Bohr. On the Notions of Causality and Complementarity. "Dialection", I (1948), 317 f.
5. James R. Masterson and Wendell Brooks Phillips. Federal Prose. (Chapell Hill, N. C., 1948), p. 40 f.
6. Ср.: Knut Bergsland. Finsk-ugrisk og almen sprakvitenskap. "Norsk tidsskrift for Sprogvidenskap", XV (1949), 374 f.
7. Franz Boas. Language. "General Anthropology". (Boston, 1938), p. 132 f.
8. Andre Vaillant. La Preface de l'Evangeliaire vieux-slave. "Revue des Etudes Slaves", XXIV (1948), 5 f.